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The Benefits of Terralinq™

If you ever lose your booq® bag with its valuable cargo, Terralinq may help reunite you with your lost bag once it has been located and reported to Terralinq. To make this possible, each booq bag with Terralinq carries a unique item number on a metal label. Registering links a product's unique number with an identity - yours. Should a registered bag be reported as lost & found, Terralinq will attempt to contact you with a bag's location and the finder's contact information.

Register Your Bag Today.

Registering is a simple 3-step process. To start, enter the following information which will send an email to the address you provide. Booq treats all customer data with absolute confidentiality. We never share this information with any outside party. See the Terralinq Service Guide for more details.

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©2025 by Booq LLC. All rights reserved.
The information you provide to Terralinq is treated as strictly confidential and will not be given to any third party, unless required by law.